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The Sunshine Room

Children up to 21 months

Our Smart Cookies learning through play

The Sunshine Room provides a cosy, nurturing, stimulating and safe environment for your baby to learn and develop. Your baby will always be welcomed by a familiar face and will stay with the same member of staff for the duration of the day. This continuity enables our babies to form bonds and feel secure as they become used to being a 'Smart Cookie’.

Staff derive real pleasure from the time spent with your child and will always discuss your child’s day at pick up time.  We follow the routine your child has at home and always respond to your child’s needs as soon as they arise.

Songs, story books and conversation support your child’s language development and there is a wide variety of interesting resources encouraging exploration and sensory play. Time is spent outdoors every day either in the garden or out for a walk in the village or the local estate.  Our babies also spend time with the toddlers from The Cottage so that they are familiar with the room and the children by the time they ‘move on’.

Staff have a sound knowledge of schematic play, which is described as repeated patterns of behaviour. They use this knowledge to support your child in their learning.

We refer to the ‘National Guidance - Pre Birth to Three Curriculum guidelines and the Realising the Ambition document when observing, planning and evaluating children’s learning.

The Cottage

Toddlers from approx. 21 months to 2 years 6 months

Our Smart Cookies learning through play

Our toddlers move here when they are about 21 months old. They still follow their own routine but now sit together at a small table for snacks and meals.

This room is a hive of activity, as children develop all areas of learning through play. They really enjoy looking at books, listening to stories, watching the birds on the bird table, playing musical instruments and playing in the home corner - making cups of tea and taking care of their babies. They can recognise some of the songs in our Song Book and particularly enjoy action songs and moving to music. They love putting on hats and looking at themselves in the mirror.

Being kind to their friends is emphasised and they are beginning to show signs of sharing and consideration.

Staff have a sound knowledge of schematic play, which is described as repeated patterns of behaviour. They use this knowledge to support your child in their learning.

We refer to the ‘National Guidance - Pre Birth to Three Curriculum guidelines and the Realising the Ambition document when observing, planning and evaluating.

The Garden Room

Children 2 years 6 month - approx. 3 years old

Our Smart Cookies learning through play

The Garden Room is where our children develop a growing awareness of ‘friends’ and are always supported to be kind and considerate.

There is an emphasis is on promoting confidence, independence and language skills.

The children find this room exciting because it has sand, water, play dough and paint available at all times!! The children quickly get into the routine of putting on a water /art apron, washing hands before food and collecting their outdoor clothes from their ’peg’ .

They love being outside in the ‘big garden’ and are developing road safety awareness when out on walks.

This is often the room where children make the transition from nappies to pants. Staff are always happy to give advice and support with this.

Staff have a sound knowledge of schematic play, which is described as repeated patterns of behaviour. They use this knowledge to support your child in their learning.

We refer to the ‘National Guidance - Pre Birth to Three Curriculum guidelines and the Realising the Ambition document when observing, planning and evaluating children’s learning.

The Upstairs Area

(‘The Turret’ and ‘The Rooftops’)

Children 3 years to school age

Our Smart Cookies learning through play

There are 2 rooms upstairs; The Rooftops for our 3- 4 year olds (approx.) and The Turret for our 4 year olds to school age children.

Upstairs the children cover the Early Level of the Curriculum for Excellence. The Children have access to experiences and resources that will support them to become Responsible Citizens, Successful Learner, Confident Individual and an Effective Contributor.

There is a wide range of resources and activities which support development in Literacy and English, Maths and Numeracy, Health and Well-being, Expressive Arts, Sciences, Social Subjects, Technology and Religious and Moral Education.

The children continue to develop their independence and assist with snack preparation, tidying up and recycling. They are an integral part of the planning process - indicating their interests and what they would like to learn about. The children are encouraged to articulate what they have learned.

Time spent outdoors every day supports learning and encourages investigation, risk assessment and problem solving.

Each child has their own Personal Learning Journal (PLJ) which includes photos, examples of their work and records of their learning and which parents can see at any time.

An emailed Daily Diary provides information about their snack and activities. 

Staff have a sound knowledge of schematic play, which is described as repeated patterns of behaviour. They use this knowledge to support your child in their learning.

Snacks, Meals, Baking and Cooking


NB Snacks always take into account a child’s allergies and parents’ preferences

Snacks are provided morning and afternoon mainly from our Snack Menu which follows the nutritional guidance within ‘Setting the Table’ published by NHS (Scotland).

Snacks also vary, for example the children make pumpkin soup at Halloween, have vegetarian haggis, neeps and tatties to celebrate Rabbie Burns and like to make smoothies from our own grown and locally sourced fruit and veg. We may have snacks based on children’s requests or linked to a theme eg, food from different countries.

Children learn about health choices and the older children help to prepare their snack.


Meals are provided by parents (we are happy to heat foods in the microwave). .

Children can have breakfast when they arrive if they wish.

Lunch is at 12 noon

Children can have tea at approx. 4.30pm. if they wish

Baking and Cooking

When we have a birthday (staff or child) the children bake a cake and take a piece home with them. We regularly make soups, pizza, scones, smoothies etc.