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Here are some quotes from the report.

“Nurturing and caring relationships had been formed which resulted in children being well supported and individual needs being met. “

“The staff knew the families well and had in-depth conversations with parents which developed positive partnerships. This resulted in confident and happy children who were keen to talk to us and ask us questions during our visit.”

“The children had the opportunity to spend the majority of their sessions outdoors taking part in a range of learning experiences in the outdoor play area or within their local community. For example, the children were taking part in a mini beast hunt and one of them said 'caterpillars turn into butterflies.' These experiences resulted in the children developing an identity within their local community as well as developing a good understanding of life cycles. “

“Children's suggestions were taken forward whenever possible, for example, one of the children drew a picture of a trampoline. The manager purchased one which was delivered, built and placed in the garden during our visit. This gave the children a sense of inclusion and respect within the nursery. “

“Risk assessing of play by the children was evident throughout their experiences. During outdoor play, we observed the children putting helmets on before riding the two wheeled bikes and they assessed the height and stability of a tower of wooden blocks before standing on them. This resulted in the children developing an awareness of dangers and how to assess risks. “

“The management and leadership style was enabling and supportive of the team. It was a well organised service and their procedures promote safety, for example, safe recruitment procedures. This resulted in a motivated and enthusiastic team within a very welcoming and friendly environment.”

“The staff appraisal system was in-depth and included involvement of parents and peers. This has supported ongoing professional development which has resulted in a confident and developing professional team. The manager ensured that a wide range of training opportunities were available for the team to support their professional development and skills. This has resulted in a knowledgeable workforce who shared their strengths and skills with each other to provide a quality learning environment for the children.”