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How to Choose the Right Childcare Provider

Best advice is to visit different nurseries. It is often helpful to have another adult with you so you can discuss what you have seen. Ask questions during your visit and feel free to call the nursery after your visit with further questions.


What to look for in a Nursery

You and your child feel comfortable and welcomed

The children and staff are happy and friendly,

There is a high proportion of qualified, experienced staff,

The premises are clean, safe with a wide range of interesting resources and activities,

There are lots of opportunities for daily outdoor activities,

Staff will work with you to enable your child to reach their potential,

Children will be encouraged to make healthy food choices.

The Care Inspection Report indicates a high standard of care,

Why Choose Us?

At Smart Cookies YOU Decide

When to drop your child off (within your child’s session)

When to pick up (within your child’s session)

How many settling in visits and how long each is (we are happy to advise)

Which days (8am to 6pm)  or half days (8-1 or 1-6)  you want to attend

To change your days at any time to suit you better

To ‘swop’ a day to a different day in that week as a one off because of family commitments

To pay for additional hours if you need them

To spend time in nursery with your child

To phone us as often as you want to find out how your child is doing

The level of support your child needs at the toilet

To have a cuppa in our Break Room

You Will Always-

be welcome to phone at any time to see how your child is doing

be able to talk to staff at the beginning of a session

be given feedback about your child’s day at end of a session

be given details of any sleep your child has had

be given a written Daily sheet or have a Daily Diary emailed to you to inform you about snack and activities

be given photos, songs and recipes home regularly

be informed of new ‘themes’ and asked for input and advised how you can support learning

be contacted if your child has not settled so that we can discuss possible reasons

be contacted if your child is ill

be given a written report of any accident on the day it happens

be given information of funded (free) hours and any ways you can save on fees

be asked for your opinion/suggestions about any changes we are thinking about

be able to discuss any concerns with a member of management team

know that your child has had sun cream re/applied every time they go outside (when it is needed)

know that your child’s food allergies/requirements are catered for

know that any long term medical conditions are being managed